Thank you

7 Oct 2017 by Lynn Spina

I wanted to take a moment to tell everyone how incredibly proud we are of the girls who came to support the fight against breast cancer. It’s a wonderful thing to help support a cause such as this – simply by cheering on those that run or walk in support of those who’s lives have been touched by someone who has or who had breast cancer. Sometimes you can’t imagine the impact a kind word or sincere concern can have on someone going through a difficult time. It’s so important to teach empathy in today’s world. This hit me hard today. One of the runners at the finish line called my name and I looked at her. I didn’t recognize the woman and struggled to place her face. So I saw the shirt that her and her team was wearing and it said “Angel’s Wings”. It took a moment, but I then recognized her. She was almost bald, her face was wider and paler than I remembered, and I thought to myself – OMG, his young mother, beautiful and kind has Breast cancer and I didn’t even know. For Her and for all of the other wonderful beautiful women that fight for their lives – I was so glad that I was there at that moment. Did I actually HELP her in any way? Maybe, maybe not, but if my being there has helped to put a smile on the face of just one person like her, then the world is better because we were both there. I’m very grateful for Freedom Cheer and the wonderful young women that today, helped to change the world, one smile at a time. From the bottom of my heart – thank you.

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